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Maxim产品 - MAX15303介绍
MAX15303 - 6A Digital PoL DC-DC Converter with InTune Automatic Compensation

MAX15303是Maxim美信半导体公司的一款DC-DC开关调节器产品,MAX15303是6A Digital PoL DC-DC Converter with InTune Automatic Compensation,本站介绍了MAX15303的封装应用图解、特点和优点、功能等,并给出了与MAX15303相关的Maxim元器件型号供参考。

MAX15303 - 6A Digital PoL DC-DC Converter with InTune Automatic Compensation - DC-DC开关调节器 - 6A InTune Automatically Compensated Converter with PMBus Telemetry - 美信半导体


The MAX15303 is a full-featured, flexible, efficient, 6A digital point-of-load (PoL) controller with integrated switching MOSFETs. It contains advanced power-management and telemetry features. Unlike PID-based digital power regulators, the device uses Maxim’s patented InTune™ automatically compensated, state-space control algorithm. The InTune control law is valid for both the small- and large-signal response and accounts for duty-cycle saturation effects. These capabilities result in fast loop transient response and reduce the number of output capacitors compared to competing digital controllers. .

To help maximize system efficiency and reduce overall parts count, the device uses Maxim’s BabyBuck regulator. The BabyBuck eliminates the need for an external bias supply. The BabyBuck can be configured in two different modes to maximize system flexibility.

The device is designed to minimize the end customer’s design time. Automatic compensation eliminates the need for external compensation circuitry and allows changes to the output inductor and capacitor, without the need to manually redesign the compensation circuitry. An on-board PMBus™-compliant serial bus interface enables communication with a supervisory controller for monitoring and fault management. A full suite of power-management features eliminates the need for complicated and expensive sequencing and monitoring ICs. Basic DC-DC conversion operation can be set up through pin strapping and does not require user-configuration firmware. This allows for rapid development of the power-supply subsystem before board-level systems engineering is completed. Maxim provides support hardware and software for configuring the device.

The MAX15303 is available in a 40-pin, 6mm × 6mm TQFN package with an exposed pad and operates over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range.

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • InTune Automatic Compensation Simplifies and Speeds Design
  • Ensures Stability While Optimizing Transient Performance
  • State-Space Compensation Results in Fast Transient Response with Reduced Output Capacitance
  • Out-of-the-Box Operation Enables Fast Prototyping
  • Supports Pin-Strappable Configuration: Output Voltage, SMBus Address, Switching Frequency, Current Limit
  • Easy to Use PMBus Interface for Configuration, Control, and Monitoring
  • Flexible Sequencing and Fault Management
  • Supports Voltage Positioning
  • Configurable Soft-Start and Soft-Stop Time
  • 300kHz to 1000kHz Fixed-Frequency Operation
  • Integration Yields Small Solution Size
  • Integrated High- and Low-Side MOSFETs
  • Efficient On-Chip BabyBuck Regulator for Self-Bias Output
  • Startup into a Prebiased Output
  • Performance Optimized for Communication and Computing Systems
  • Differential Remote Voltage Sensing Enables±1.25% VOUT Accuracy over Temperature (-40°C to +85°C)
  • 4.5V to 14V Wide Input Range
  • Output Voltage Range from 0.5V to 5.25V
  • External Synchronization
  • 热门应用
  • 基站设备
  • 电源模块
  • 路由器/交换机
  • 服务器
  • 存储系统
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