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MAX2411A - 典型电路框图:
Maxim产品 - MAX2411A介绍
MAX2411A - 低成本、RF上/下变频器,带有LNA及PA驱动器


MAX2411A - 低成本、RF上/下变频器,带有LNA及PA驱动器 - 无线与RF - Maxim美信半导体高性能芯片品质 - 美信半导体


The MAX2411A performs the RF front-end transmit/receive function in time-division-duplex (TDD) communication systems. It operates over a wide frequency range and is optimized for RF frequencies around 1.9GHz. Applications include most popular cordless and PCS standards. The MAX2411A includes a low-noise amplifier (LNA), a downconverter mixer, a local-oscillator buffer, an upconverter mixer, and a variable-gain power-amplifier (PA) driver in alow-cost, plastic surface-mount package. The MAX2411A's unique bidirectional, differential IF port reduces cost and component count by allowing the transmit and receive paths to share the same IF filter.

The LNA has a 2.4dB typical noise figure and a -10dBm input third-order intercept point (IP3). The downconverter mixer has a low 9.2dB noise figure and 4dBm input IP3. Image and local-oscillator filtering are implemented off-chip for maximum flexibility. The PA driver amplifier has 15dB of gain, which can be reduced over a 35dB range. Power consumption is only 60mW in receive mode and 90mW in transmit mode and drops to less than 3µW in shutdown mode.

For applications requiring separate, single-ended IF input and output ports, refer to the MAX2410 data sheet. For applications requiring only a receive function, Maxim offers a low-cost downconverter with LNA (see the MAX2406 data sheet).

  • 以下关键特性由Maxim美信半导体提供:
  • Low-Cost Silicon Bipolar Design
  • Integrated Upconvert/Downconvert Function
  • Operates from a Single +2.7V to +5.5V Supply
  • 3.2dB Combined Receiver Noise Figure:
  • 2.4dB (LNA)
  • 9.2dB(mixer)
  • Flexible Power-Amplifier Driver:
  • 18dBm Output Third-Order Intercept (OIP3)
  • 35dB Gain-Control Range
  • LO Buffer for Low LO Drive Level
  • Low Power Consumption:
  • 60mW Receive
  • 90mW Full-Power Transmit
  • 0.3µW Shutdown Mode
  • Flexible Power-Down Modes Compatible with MAX2510/MAX2511 IF Transceivers
  • 热门应用
  • DCS 1800或PCS 1900单模电话
  • DECT
  • 铱星手机
  • ISM波段收发器
  • PWT1900
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